Gryzor blogged

Gryzor's Top 50 Video Games Of All Time [#22]

#22 - Perfect Dark

What Doom 64, Turok and Goldeneye started, Perfect Dark tooled to near perfection. I mean, one must take the Nintendo 64's limits into consideration and admittedly, Halo and Halo 2 for the original Xbox did more justice by adding online multiplayer, but nevertheless, Perfect Dark takes Goldeneye and expands on it in a way that makes it kick more ass. It has a similar gameplay structure in that you have to complete objectives in semi linear levels, but there are some significant improvements. First off, the enemies aren't pants shittingly retarded; they can actually fight smartly by chasing you down, shooting you at the right places and just generally kick your ass. So if you ever thought Goldeneye was too easy, well, Perfect Dark is your mother*bleep*ing savior! Secondly, the levels are bigger and better, with more to explore and more level specific objectives to give them an identity outside of their songs. Finally, the multiplayer is even better if that could be believed. More bigger and complex maps await you, a ton of weapon packs to choose from and each character actually has specific properties outside of their looks, meaning that selection requires thought. The only thing holding this game back is that some of the later levels are pretty flat and uninspired, but most of the levels are so well done that the crappy ones just stand out more.

Summary - A boost that console first person shooters really needed.
Rating - 9/10

xbox 360 neoseeker related gaming related


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