Gryzor blogged

Gryzor's Top 50 Video Games Of All Time [#37]

#37 - Goldeneye

One of the few licensed games that's better than the license itself. I like the movie and it was pretty much the film that broke the streak of bad James Bond movies, but I prefer the good old Bond movies. Still worth watching though.

But yeah, Goldeneye, like Turok before it, showed people that putting first person shooters on consoles isn't such a bad idea. It controlled finely for the time (better than Turok, if you ask me) and operated pretty well. Basically, instead of going through mazes to find keys and kill Cyberdemons and Nazis, you go through semi-linear levels to accomplish a set of objectives, such as destroying security machines (alarms and cameras), finding objects (keys, for instance) and other such things. All of the objectives... well, most of them are relevant to the story, which mostly follows the movie... I mean, there's no level where James just drives around like a madman in his flashy sports car, and I don't remember that part in the movie where James gets caught by Russians in Severnaya. But hey, taking liberties is what can really make a game fun! Like making Dante a warrior instead of a poet in Dante's Inferno!

The best feature of Goldeneye is the music. Rare in the 90s and early 2000s was a force to be reckoned with and for the most part, they had some damn good ears for some *bleep*ing good tunes, and Goldeneye has a pretty sweet soundtrack. The worst feature are a few levels. Statue has a glitch where you may not be able to complete it. Control has the infamous Natalya part (plus I thought the level in and of itself was kind of mediocre). Streets was cool for the time, but I dunno, driving through that level now really shows this game's age. Meh. The rest of the game is pretty damn good, and who the *bleep* can't forget 4 player multiplayer? This was the definitive multiplayer experience on the Nintendo 64. *bleep* Mario Party and *bleep* Super Smash Brothers - Goldeneye, man. That's where it's at...

...or is it!?

Summary - A great attempt at a console first person shooter.
Rating - 8.5/10

goldeneye gaming related


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