RabidChinaGirl blogged

Menstruation is a no-no!

UPDATE Here is the original image, in the form of a child friendly link. Obligatory warning Photo is of blood from my peeeeeeriiiioooood~

That seems to be the case as far as polite conversation goes, though there is a saying that "polite conversation" is rarely both. It's a little sad, even pathetic to see people overreact to menstruation.

I know blood scares the hell out of men, whether they admit it or not. They'll put lots of it in games and movies so they can feel so great about themselves when they can stomach the gore while their girlfriends cling to their arms, but when you present them with an excess of it in real life, most of them will just get queezy. Never mind what happens when you show them blood coming that came out of a woman's *bleep*. Never mind that menstruation is the whole reason we exist as a species, and the fluid is just all your brothers and sisters that didn't quite make it. Yes, there are unfertilized eggs in that shit, and one of them could have been you.

An artist's husband apparently asked her to draw her MegaMan, and her medium of choice was menstrual blood. Of course, the folks at GameGrep (and the site that posted it) freaked out. Seriously, it's like everyone has been reduced to the state of awkward teenager who's scared of touching girls. Maybe 4 years of art school has just exposed me to more things... opened my mind to some things most still consider taboo or GROOOOOOSSSS EEEEEEEEWWWWW.


Edit Keep the comments coming, no matter which side of the fence they're on. That's also not the actual piece. It's just a photo I took documenting the process, and the paper in the background just has practice strokes (diluted with water).

And just so you guys don't think I did the piece just for kicks, I included an explanation somewhere in the comments.
quote RCG
Traditionally (and to this day), sons are more desirable in Asian cultures because the son carries on the family name. Yeah, I know that there are people who take on maiden names and what not, but somehow that's not enough. That's why there's all those stories of daughters who were killed or abandoned years ago due to China's one-child law; today, it is illegal in China for doctors to tell a couple if their unborn child is male or female because people will sometimes abort the fetus if it is a girl.

This piece pertains to my mother's side of the family and the fact that is has come to an end because of two daughters (and a son who has no children). That's why the menstrual aspect was so important -- it addresses the feminine aspect.

It all has to do with what you're trying to convey. Example, African American artist Alan DeSouza did a racially driven piece using the blood from his veins; in his case, the blood represented him as a black man, just as feminist painters often use menstrual blood to convey their feminine identity.
Edit x2 Image removed? Had a talk with a Supermod and apparently a vat of menstrual blood "sets precedents" for the younger readers. This is pretty unfortunate, but I guess it means our blogs will have certain guidelines soon. I respect the decision, but I'm definitely disappointed. I enjoyed the discussions that took place here, regardless, though in a weird way, the removal proved something I really wish weren't true.

Edit x3 Thanks to everyone who expressed their support. This whole situation actually makes me laugh, from the first comment to the Supermod interference. Didn't expect it to cause such a hullabaloo! I'll present my case tomorrow, and we'll see what happens.

mega man feminism sexuality censorship other musingsthoughts neoseeker related gaming related

Responses (35)

2 thumbs!
chautemoc Dec 2, 08
Menstrual fluid doesnt really freak me out -- I kinda dig it.
Once I infiltrated a camp of menstrual fluid artists and they were entirely welcoming.
0 thumbs!
Xenctuary Dec 2, 08
Everyone has their own opinions and boundaries. Calling someone pathetic for being turned off by blood, regardless of where it came from, is just plain ridiculous. You don't need to preach unto others just because they don't find this lady's menstruation attractive. And I assure you it's not just men who might find such artwork disturbing. Paintings using any bodily fluid will shock and offend, regardless of gender. Surely four years of art school should have taught you that?
2 thumbs!
chautemoc Dec 2, 08
Hm I dont think she meant the pathetic comment in quite that way..but yeah..I understand being sensitive to preaching. I think its important when preaching not to expect anyone to agree with you..to aim for respect regardless though is a good goal.
0 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
You're right, it's not just men. In fact, I wish that women weren't so afraid of it as well considering it's a part of our biological make-up.

It isn't a question of opinions and boundaries to me (even if that is what ti is) so much as a sad reflection of a misogynistic society in which we are taught that pecs are okay for public viewing but breasts are not. Where despite all the hyper masculinity and macho posturing, something as natural as menstrual blood is considered taboo and unfit for open discussion. It is a reflection of our base values as a society, and it is sad.

I don't find it "attractive" either, but I stand by my opinions despite your preaching.
0 thumbs!
Xenctuary Dec 2, 08
Maybe preaching was the wrong word to choose, but I just find it shocking that you think that someone having a problem with this automatically makes them immature. There really is nothing wrong with having opinions, but there's little to be gained by insulting others whilst expressing them. That just needlessly belittles the points you're trying to make.
0 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
It's not really the people themselves I find pathetic. No, I still talk to people who can't stand the sight of blood (menstrual or otherwise). Rather, it's the whole idea I find pathetic, and my disgust is with the boundaries, not the people who abide by them.

On another note, I wish we were having this discussion in person. I'm enjoying it greatly, and the typing is too slow for my tastes. Trying to reply to more than one comment is getting kind of irritating too...
0 thumbs!
Xenctuary Dec 2, 08
Most Western cultures would dictate that using blood in this way isn't "right". Those raised by such ideas are unlikely to challenge them without good reason, hence the majority of reactions showing offense. I think the link you made from someone not liking this artwork to not understanding or appreciating the menstrual cycle is a very slippery one.
0 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
Believe me, this is Western artwork. I appreciate Western openness to contemporary art quite a bit, and it's my studies in those arts that inspired me to do this, even though the content is Eastern.

I'm rather grateful to have received a Western education in the States.

And the menstrual subject for me isn't about menstruation alone. Like I mentioned, I feel that it's just an indication of overall societal values. Despite how it might appear, I don't have an obsession for menstrual (or any kind) of blood; it's just another medium to me, and it worked for the message of the calligraphy piece.

I prefer India ink otherwise.
2 thumbs!
chautemoc Dec 2, 08
It isn't a question of opinions and boundaries to me (even if that is what ti is) so much as a sad reflection of a misogynistic society in which we are taught that pecs are okay for public viewing but breasts are not.
Hm I'd long figured breasts weren't deemed okay for public viewing because of rapists and extreme perverts and all that. Considering those things, I think we're doing okay what with nude beaches and some laws passed and whatnot. I mean in Toronto for example women are allowed to do so...but noone does (cause they're afraid I presume).
5 thumbs!
jespomo Dec 2, 08
Makes me want to start cock painting.
2 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
Do it. It's been done to death but still... DO IT!
0 thumbs!
VeGiTAX2 Dec 3, 08
Indeed so it's been really done to death as have molds and other representations of a phalus but people still try to put a new twist on it through method / action given that the conceptual is generally stagnant these days for what can stick and what is pure bs to try and sound original.
2 thumbs!
kik36 Dec 3, 08
Do it while it's coated in menstrual blood.....would fit the whole scheme around here.
1 thumbs!
chautemoc Dec 3, 08
You're one messed up dude. I like it.
1 thumbs!
VeGiTAX2 Dec 3, 08
Have to dig through some of my theory books but I believe someone already cranked out a series of pieces using blood in general as well as fecal matter, it's hard to imagine any guy beating the Vienna Actionists anyway for extremes, they pretty much set the bar in space about 60 years ago. lol if a cup of blood set off their radar then the Actionists would blow their sheltered view away like an atomic bomb.
-3 thumbs!
oOhennersOo Dec 2, 08
Ok, that's just disgusting. It seems to me that the only reason you did it was to offend and gross out other people and then point out that they're immature, because it's clearly not a poignant expression of your sex or anything. Despite the irony, it's still not art, nor are you an artist for painting it, despite your art school degree.
1 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
Actually, it was about the death of a bloodline. The work was a statement on feminism and the Asian culture where sons are highly valued over daughters because they are privileged with the family name. The reaction from the majority of male students in the class was just an unexpected side effect.
0 thumbs!
roy the swordsman Dec 2, 08
Death of a bloodline?
So...how does that work?
3 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
Traditionally (and to this day), sons are more desirable in Asian cultures because the son carries on the family name. Yeah, I know that there are people who take on maiden names and what not, but somehow that's not enough. That's why there's all those stories of daughters who were killed or abandoned years ago due to China's one-child law; today, it is illegal in China for doctors to tell a couple if their unborn child is male or female because people will sometimes abort the fetus if it is a girl.

This piece pertains to my mother's side of the family and the fact that is has come to an end because of two daughters (and a son who has no children). That's why the menstrual aspect was so important -- it addresses the feminine aspect.

It all has to do with what you're trying to convey. Example, African American artist Alan DeSouza did a racially driven piece using the blood from his veins; in his case, the blood represented him as a black man, just as feminist painters often use menstrual blood to convey their feminine identity.
1 thumbs!
chautemoc Dec 2, 08
I think provocation is a very integral aspect of art.....that in itself could be considered art I feel...
4 thumbs!
tekmosis Dec 2, 08
You have your own opinion and that's totally cool and should be respected. However, with all bigotry aside, this is art, sorry to disappoint you. Art is a form of expression, being an artist means that you express yourself, opinions, thoughts, etc through a medium, any medium. I would ask you to provide some concrete points to back up your statements but "eww that's gross" doesn't count.
4 thumbs!
VeGiTAX2 Dec 3, 08
Despite the irony, it's still not art, nor are you an artist for painting it, despite your art school degree.
I guess the problem you run into is art is entirely subjective in the post-studio age, what isn't art to you can be art to another and despite whatever pent up feelings you may have, they're completely negated by the other party. So it's a bit comical when you try to make blanket false fact statements like that.

The piece she talks about for the bloodline I was not available for but I did see it later, the work is actually art because there's actual concepts behind the work, unfortunately for the masses, they hear these mediums being used and the first reaction is "ew, icky, grossness" and so on.

The removal of the blood image is probably a good joke though, you can show chainsaw massacres in game, car accidents in photo threads and other accidents but not a cup of blood. Gotta laugh at how backwards that is.
2 thumbs!
chautemoc Dec 3, 08
If I could give you five thumbs up I would sir.
4 thumbs!
Shin Ra Dec 2, 08
I found it kind of kinky, I'm awesome like that.
1 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
Well, there's a new reaction... XD
1 thumbs!
Shin Ra Dec 2, 08
Show me more, show me more!
0 thumbs!
Loki Dec 2, 08
I see no reason to use bodily fluids to make art. I don't give a damn if it's menstrual blood or anything else, using these for art just seems repulsive to me. The art you linked looks perfectly normal, and finding out that it's made of menstrual blood simply degrades its value as art and makes it more of a low-brow piece that only achieves shock value.
2 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 2, 08
Come to think of it, I'm not sure why that woman used menstrual blood (or bodily fluid) for her drawing. It's just MegaMan. Maybe her husband's fetish or she just really liked blood. Usually there's an actual purpose behind such loaded mediums because you want to relay a strong message to the audience.
1 thumbs!
ShadowJ Dec 2, 08
Like I said on GG, to artists and those that study art, it isn't repulsive, it is a method of expression and/or any other reason you wish to throw in. However to everyday normal folk, it is mind boggling. Many use the mind set of "Well if it's in my body to begin with...it's only coming out when it has to come out"

Without going across the boundaries for Neoseeker, this is why many don't understand the sexual fetish that people have of menstruation, watersports and scat. It practically hurts their head...so to think of one of those fluids being used for an everyday activity just causes that mind to explode.

Personally whatever floats their boat and from what I understand of the article, the husband requested the drawing in the fluid, maybe due to her doing other art in the same fluid and seeing that it does look good on canvas.

One other thing you have to remember though is that different countries don't see eye to eye on things. Now that I overcome the initial thought of using menstrual fluid as "paint" it has now become one of those "meh" moments.

Though one thing is certain, there must be some kind of business for this stuff, otherwise she's going to have alot of her own paintings stuck at home.
1 thumbs!
Mocking Alvin Dec 2, 08
Wow. I'm not sickened by it...in fact i can't quite tear my eyes away from it. It's not a material i'd use if i were to draw megaman, but there might be some kind of hidden significance and meaning to her using menstrual blood to paint megaman. I don't quite see the connection myself.

1 thumbs!
Danielg Dec 3, 08
foo foo blood is not that much of a big deal. The worst thing about it is it stains. Cool Megaman pic tho :-D
1 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 3, 08
It's not too bad. Just don't let it set in for like.. I dunno, a week. A bit of cold water (and dish detergent) is all you need.
0 thumbs!
kik36 Dec 3, 08
Well it is what it is I guess. One man's fetish is another man's disgust. I just don't see the point of using blood when you can go to Michael's and buy art supplies on the cheap. Right now they're offering 20% off total purchase......not bad, not bad
2 thumbs!
RabidChinaGirl Dec 3, 08
Hah! Watching the Thumbs go up and down is so reminiscent of old school GameGrep griefing. Anyway, I haven't been contacted by the S-mods yet, and the one who removed the image isn't around so it's all still up in the air.

Irony being, if they keep the image off my personal blog, they'll have proven my blog title correct...
-2 thumbs!
kspiess Dec 3, 08
Less talk about menstruation the better, I always said.