Gryzor blogged

Gryzor's Top 50 Video Games Of All Time [#44]

#44 - Kingdom Hearts

The basic idea of Kingdom Hearts is to put some original characters with a bunch of Disney characters and the occasional Final Fantasy character. To put it simply, fanservice is the name of the game, but it's backed up by fun (if almost juvenile-y simple) combat. I mean, the story is a *bleep*ing mess, we all know that, but the fanservice was what mattered at the end of the day.

This isn't just about quality, but also enjoyability. If you ask me, Kingdom Hearts 0 (aka Birth By Sleep) and 2 are much better games with more refined mechanics. However, those games focused more on the story and somehow, it still makes no sense and thinking about this story will only make your head hurt. At least the first game only really delved into the story at the beginning and towards the end of the game. Other than that, there was a lot of fun Disney fanservice and a good amount of variety in the enemies and bosses that were all fun to fight. That's the middle name of the game - it was FUN. Kingdom Hearts 0 was fun too, but that story... yeah, I'd rather shovel wheelbarrows full of Big Macs through my throat, and I think Big Macs taste like shit! As for the others... same thing, less fun. Yeah, the first was just a blast... this isn't the nostalgia talking; this is me talking.

Summary - A Disney/Square crossover that's just a blast to play.
Rating - 7/10

gaming related playstation 2 kingdom hearts


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