Vermillion blogged

Who Wants NAMFox On Internet Explorer, NAMIE?

This is the thing; like many of you know, I like to program, or to make websites as a hobby. In the past I have been learning a lot of things to the point I consider myself to be very proficient with a lot of computer stuff I have learned in the past.

Now, just so I don't bug you with a tiny piece of background of my life, I want to ask you guys: would you like to have NAMFox ported to Internet Explorer? I am asking this because with the new programming language I am learning, I can make toolbars for Internet Explorer. The main problem is that you won't have it in quite a time, and the first release will be certainly very buggy. "NAMIE" (that's what I want to call the toolbarm but if you have suggestions for the name, feel free to let me know :P!) would be my very real application I deploy to the public.
Not only that, but with the latest release of Internet Explorer 8, I don't know if the toolbar would be compatible with younger versions of IE, so I would probably need a few beta testers to help me out.

I want opinions and comments on this. Personally, while I am not an IE user, I would certainly like to make one for it :_oops:.

basch zalera ffxii neoseeker related

Responses (11)

0 thumbs!
Ecto Mar 24, 09
I'm sure it'd be found quite useful.

Be happy to help as a beta.
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Chris Player Mar 25, 09
Just cause you can make a toolbar makes you think you can make an intricate program such as Namfox converted to IE?

Dont underestimate the work that Artificer put into Namfox, he didnt do it by saying 'he can make firefox toolbars'
0 thumbs!
Vermillion Mar 25, 09
Lol yes I am expecting to port it to IE. I am not doing it thinking 'I can make IE toolbars' either. And who says I am underestimating the work he put into NAMFox? I never said it would be easy to create NAMFox. I didn't say it would be easy to port it either.
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Euphoric Mar 25, 09
Does IE even support add-ons? If it does then it would be a decent idea for all those who don't want/can't use FireFox for whatever reason. Art would need some serious back up though if he was maintaining and improving the system for 2 different browsers.

Edit:: Just realised I completely misread the main part of that blog. If you want to do it then by all means try it out as a beta. If it works then congrats.
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Chad Mar 26, 09
That sure would be nice. You should call it NAMChad instead.
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Chris Player Mar 30, 09
I think he should call it a name people would like.
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Artificer Apr 5, 09
Yeah, NAMChad sucks, really.

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Artificer Apr 5, 09
This would be really cool; I'd like to do something like this but I just don't have the time. It did take a really long time for NAMFox to get where it is today, so I think a good strategy would be to choose a subset of the NAMFox functionality and try to port that. From there you can continue building until you match what NAMFox has. Otherwise, you'll be working for a very long time without any feedback from the community.

If you need any clarification on the features or code in NAMFox, you know where to find me.
0 thumbs!
Vermillion Apr 6, 09
You mean, port it Slowly, buy not really moving all the functions it has now? I will probably did that. Every time I see NAMFox's source code I am dumbfounded, so I really doubt I will be able to port it all at once =P.
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Castlewars Nov 19, 11
Yeah. It took me an hour to get over to Firefox just so I could use NAMFox.
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Vermillion Nov 20, 11
Sorry, I dropped this project a while ago.