SpaceMarine blogged

Density of the Universe @ the Big Bang technically its not really a universal constant as the density of the universe changes with expansion. Never mind that little detail. The density of the universe at the big bang is probably one of the most precise values in physics. A change of just the slightest amount would cause our universe to either contract into a big crunch or expand too fast to where planets cannot form. That slight change is smaller then 0.000000000000001%. That is how precise the density of the universe had to be 1nanosecond after the Big Bang for our existence, and yet there is no known reason as to why our universe is exactly the density required to exist. Atheists would essentially have to believe it accidentally or randomly occurred as there is no known cause or physical laws that would result in the observed density.

The critical density of the universe(1,4) is the average density of matter required for the universe to just halt its expansion only after an infinite amount of time. A universe that has the critical density is said to be flat. "The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has confirmed that the observable universe is flat with only a 0.5% margin of error." (2) The reason the density of a flat universe has to be a specific number is due to gravity. If the pull of gravity was stronger or weaker, the critical density would be different. But here is the kicker. We have no reason to believe that gravity and density are interdependent. In other words, gravity and density are independent of each other. Gravity was "set" during the Big Bang, (randomly if you are an atheist) along with the perfect density to allow for the universe to exist (again randomly). Perfect to the 24th digit!!!!!!

For this universe to be flat, the density of this universe could not have been (at the time of the Big Bang) greater then 447,225,917,218,507,401,284,017 mg/cc(3). For if it was, gravity would have halted the expansion and all the matter and energy that expanded from the Big Bang would have already by this time collapsed back onto itself-Big Crunch.

For this universe to be flat, the density of this universe could not have been (at the time of the Big Bang) less then 447,225,917,218,507,401,284,015 mg/cc(3). For if it was, gravity wouldn't have been effective enough to allow for matter to form planets. The universe would have just expanded infinitely.

Now that is precision. For the atheist, they have to believe that such precision is accidental, coincidence, as there is no reason for the density to form exactly as necessary for the Big Bang to produce a universe with a critical density.

musingsthoughts other universe design god atheist density

Responses (9)

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Aug 1, 12
What Big Banged To Produce The Universe

From :

A commonsensible conjecture is that Universe Contraction is initiated following the Big-Bang event, as released moving gravitons (energy) start reconverting to mass (gravity) and eventually returning to black holes, steadily leading to the re-formation of The Universe Singularity, simultaneously with the inflation and expansion, i.e. that universal expansion and contraction are going on simultaneously.

Conjectured implications are that the Universe is a product of A Single Universal Black Hole with an extremely brief singularity of ALL the gravitons of the universe, which is feasible and possible and mandated because gravitation is a very weak force due to the small size of the gravitons, the primal mass-energy particles of the universe.

This implies also that when all the mass of the presently expanding universe is consumed by the present black holes, expansion will cease and be replaced with empansion back to THE Single Universal Black Hole.

Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)

tags: big bang, mass energy, gravity, inflation expansion, singularity, black hole
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SpaceMarine Oct 2, 12
Maybe I am missing something here, but I cannot tell if you are contesting what I stated, or if you are just adding information...
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Jedah Apr 18, 14
Other than your digs at atheists, a very interesting read.
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Ryan Sep 29, 15
please. unless god lives outside of time and space. big bang ftw
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SpaceMarine Sep 30, 15
quote Ryan
please. unless god lives outside of time and space. big bang ftw
Anything which caused the big bang must live outside our time and our space. At the onset of the initial expansion there wasn't even space to begin with, and all the time we understand and reference too began with that expansion. So yes, God necessarily exists outside our time and our space. Any creator must be it God, Zeus, or eternal matter/energy.
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Winter1 Mar 17, 17
You believe in a magic man in the sky, at least a good chunk of what atheists believe has scientific proof to back it up and things they don't know they try to make an educated guess based on things we already know or predict using some kind of reasoning. Places where educational enlightenment happened, religion has been questioned and it's power lessened, places where the enlightenment hasn't happened fully has more people that believe in religion.
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Jedah Apr 16, 17
No, he's naming the cause of the big bang "God", which technically is accurate as it created our universe. Not the moustache twirling sky-man every delusional idiot calls god.
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Jedah Apr 16, 17
Also, I'd be very interested to know where those figures were gathered from. I can make up statistically and numerically accurate facts too. Only I'd have added more zeroes.
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SpaceMarine Jun 1, 18
The links are in the post. Right after I posted the numbers there is a parenthesis like (1) the link. 5 years later, the links are still good.